
Appena visionate le statistiche mensili di questo blog.. Come sospettavo non e' passato un cane!!! 🙁 Sara' perche' scrivo solo camionate di stronzate? Boh.. Da questo deduco felicemente che pochi e nessuno se ne sbatton di me.. Ma che bello, eh? Eh, che posso dire di nuovo.. Mi sto interessando a Maralyn Manson: pare che la sua musica mi interessi, ma non molto. Continuo a preferire altri generi. not sec group va proprio bene, cominciamo a ricevere pagamenti.. Vi aggiornero' con altre oamrate di minchiate al piu' presto. See ya.

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Love is.. blindness..

I tried to be perfect
But nothing was worth it
I don’t believe it makes me real
I thought it’d be easy
But no one believes me
I meant all the things I said

If you believe it’s in my soul
I’d say all the words that I know
Just to see if it would show
That I’m trying to let you know
That I’m better off on my own

This place is so empty
My thoughts are so tempting
I don’t know how it got so bad
Sometimes it’s so crazy
That nothing can save me
But it’s the only thing that I have

If you believe it’s in my soul
I’d say all the words that I know
Just to see if it would show
That I’m trying to let you know
That I’m better off on my own

On my own

I tried to be perfect
It just wasn’t worth it
Nothing could ever be so wrong
It’s hard to believe me
It never gets easy
I guess I knew that all along

If you believe it’s in my soul
I’d say all the words that I know
Just to see if it would show
That I’m trying to let you know
That I’m better off on my own 

 today is too late

how long do we have to wait

oh no, i think she knows

that's why i can't let go

i feel this burning inside

a feeling that no one should know

this could be so good again

i'd wait here till then

but not with this

so now i'll leave with

no apologies

i never thought you'd be so

easily decieved

now i'll just hang my head (falling further out of place)

along with the dead (don't know what/why i can't replace)

we're mad with regret

memories that we'll both forget

so far it's been so hard

to cover up these scars

i see this falling apart

it's easy to just let it go

no luck between us both

so i keep waiting

but not with this

so now i'll leave with

no apologies

i never thought you'd be so

easily decieved

now i'll just hang my head (falling further out of place)

along with the dead (don't know what/why i can't replace)

what's left to show

it's so bad but i got to know

what's right don't know

how to find it out on my own

one by one we all fall down

who's the first one to hit the ground now

what's worse to kick or fall

or be suss standing alone

ill keep your promises if you

take back every thing i said

i find its got so cold now

that i've lost my heart and soul

no apologies

i never thought you'd be so

easily decieved

now i'll just hang my head (falling further out of place)

along with the dead (don't know what/why i can't replace)

i'll just hang my head

hang my head

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Da quanto..

E' tantissimo che non scrivo qualcosa qui.

Ne sono successe di cose.. Beh, vi avevo lasciati con la programmazione del mio sito in PHP e invece ho preferito utilizzare semplici directory ( ) perche' non avevo bisogno di una pagina web.

Il mio gruppo di sicurezza informatica & co. va quasi benissimo ( ), anche se ultimamente stiamo avendo alcuni problemi..

In amore anche quasi tutto bene, solo piccoli e passeggeri disguidi 🙂 Mirko ich liebe dich für immer!!!

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Sito in programmazione

Sto programmando in PHP il mio sito ufficiale.. In realta' e' composto semplicemente da ECHO di codice HTML, ma non vi dico il perche' per non essere preso per pazzo. Vi mostrero' il link [mostrero'.. a chi? o_O] non appena avro' finito il lavoro.

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Eccomi qua!

Benvenuto in questo blog, sfortunato utente! Ora ti tocchera' frantumarti!

Mi presento 😉 Mi chiamo Marco, ho 14 anni e vivo in provincia di Taranto, a Martina Franca, precisamente nella frazione San Paolo.. Massi', a voi cosa vi frega di tutto questo? Vi basta sapere che da ora vi tartassero' inserendo notizie totalmente inutili e massacranti (tanto chi visitera' mai questo blog?) che rovineranno le vostre giornate!

Alla prossima tortura cinese!

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